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Governance Evolution
Learn about the milestones in the evolution of Inter’s Corporate Governance.
Inter&Co’s Board of Directors now comprises 50% independent members.

- Inter&Co. stock listing in the USA.
- Audit Committee is established.
- Restructuring of the Corporate Committees, to include at least one independent member of the Board of Directors in each committee (see details in the Management section).
- Inclusion of the ESG Committee in the list of corporate committees, totaling six advisory committees to the Board of Directors.
- Launch of new institutional pages of Governance, Sustainability, Privacy, and Integrity, bringing greater robustness to the information provided, as a way of increasing transparency and provision of information to shareholders.

- Setting up of the Corporate Audit Committee and creation of the Policy for Contracting Extra-Audit Services.
- Setting up of the ESG Committee by the end of 2021.
- Preparation of the second Inter Annual Report, this time based on GRI and SASB standards.
- Renewal of Inter Materiality with a new Stakeholder Hearing, where the most relevant topics were included according to the MSCI and SASB sectorial materiality.
- Best ESG Award in the Financial/Banks sector – Midcap by Institutional Investor.
- Launch of the Inter Diversity Program.
- Joining B3’s Carbon Efficient Index portfolio (ICO2)
- Signature of the UNEP-FI Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
- Start of participation in the Investors for the Climate initiative (IPC)
- Release of the second Inter Emissions Inventory with the GHG Protocol gold seal.

- Follow-on: R$ 1.2 billion
- Restructuring of Corporate Committees: Personnel and Compensation Committee; Asset, Liabilities, and Liquidity Committee; Operational Risk, Corporate Governance, and Integrity Committee; and Credit Risk Committee.
- Publication of the first Inter Annual Report, which follows the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative – GRI, an international organization that, by means of its indicators, helps institutions to transparently report the most relevant information about its business, company, and environment.
- Dissemination of the Sustainable Revolution Report.
- Launch of Inter’s first Emissions Inventory in the Public Emissions Registry of the GHG Protocol, which had a gold seal.

- Follow-on: R$ 1.2 billion.
- Change to B3’s Corporate Governance Level 2, with the following advances: election of a new Chairman of the Board of Directors to replace the CEO.
- Increase to 37.5% of independent board members.
- Setting up of new Corporate Committees advising the BD: New Products Committee, Credit Approval Executive Committee, Credit Risk Committee, Operational Risk Committee, Integrity Committee, Technology Committee, and Fraud Prevention Committee.
- Formalization of the Executive Office responsible for Corporate Governance.
- Creation of the Corporate Sustainability area, responsible for the environmental and social responsibility agenda and launch of the First Stakeholder Hearing.
- Setting up of the Audit Committee.
- Affiliation with IBGC, in order to intensify Inter’s integration to the best market practices in Corporate Governance.

- Going Public – IPO
- Listing on B3’s Corporate Governance Level 1 with the implementation of governance processes and improvements, such as: full amendment to the Bylaws and creation of a Corporate Governance area.
- Board of Directors composed of 7 members (28.6% independent).
- Creation of an Executive Office responsible for Investor Relations.
- Creation of a structure of advisory bodies to the Board of Directors: Audit Committee; Risk and Capital Management Committee; Credit Committee; Personnel and Compensation Committee; and Assets and Liabilities Committee.