With the exponential growth in the number of customers, as well as the diversification of its product and service offerings, Inter’s responsibility towards its stakeholders has increased. For this reason, since 2019, Inter has been striving to integrate the principles of corporate sustainability into its business model.

Check out Inter’s main results in the environmental, social and governance pillars
  • Environmental
  • Social
  • Governance


We were born eco-efficient with a 100% digital business model that eliminates the need for physical agencies. Alignment with a low-carbon economy is reinforced through fully cloud-based operation, accounting and offsetting of our greenhouse gas emissions and continuous improvement of energy efficiency in our headquarters.

Check out our eco-efficiency data compared to traditional banking models.

-98% -98%

water consumption

-97% -97%

carbon footprint

-97% -97%

energy consumption


Inter is aligned with the best governance practices of the market with a focus on ensuring the continuity of its business. Our processes are based on a strong organizational culture and on principles and values that are non-negotiable for us, such as: transparency, experience, partnership, security, and innovation.

Our governance bodies integrate the ESG vision with the perception of risks and opportunities and safeguard the interests of shareholders, employees, customers, and the communities in which we operate.

Through a solid corporate compliance program, a comprehensive governance structure, and the direction of a Board of Directors that has independent members, we are continually committed to ethics, transparency, and accountability.

Ethical, secure, and efficient processes to protect the interests of shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Learn more about our Governance

Transparency and accountability Transparency and accountability

Ethical, secure, and efficient processes to protect the interests of shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Leadership with a Culture of Governance Leadership with a Culture of Governance

Promotion of ethics, integrity, and environmental and social responsibility at all levels of the company.

Equity and independence Equity and independence

Robust, innovative, and technological governance structure. Decision-making with independence and equity.

Compliance Compliance

Strengthening lines of defense, continuous improvement of policies and procedures, and regulatory compliance.

Ethics and Compliance

Compliance Program
Compliance Program

Its premise is a governance and a culture of integrity, with nine (9) pillars of action that guide the initiatives at the levels defined by the company’s strategy. They are:


  • Compliance Risk Assessment; Code of Conduct and Ethics and Compliance Policies; Communication and Training.


  • Due Diligence of third parties; Monitoring and testing; Ethics Channel.


  • Internal Investigations; Non-Compliance Management; Reporting.
Code of Conduct and Ethics
Code of Conduct and Ethics

Our commitment to governance is reflected in the high ethical standards by which we are guided in all our business decisions. This commitment is what makes it possible for us to build relationships of trust with our shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders on a daily basis.

And in the constant maintenance of this trust, our code of ethics works as a guide, expressing in a practical way to our team and partners the principles and standards that must always guide our attitudes.

Ethics Channel
Ethics Channel

Our Ethics channel is the most appropriate and safest means to report actions by employees, third parties, or suppliers that violate the Code of Conduct and Ethics and Inter’s internal policies and current legislation.

All employees, trainees, business partners, customers, and service providers have free access to report any deviations for investigation.

What is the Sustainable Living section?

Sustainability is one of the priorities here at Inter. In addition to simplifying our customers’ day-to-day lives through the Super APP, since 2019 we have advanced the ESG agenda internally, generating value for society and the planet.

Thinking about this evolution, we thought about how we could put Sustainability in the palm of the hands of our customers. To this end, we created the Sustainable Living section to encourage our customers to adopt attitudes that are more sustainable in their daily lives and including them in this transformation to a more balanced world.

The Sustainable Living section is a first in a digital account in Brazil, built to help people make a difference in other people’s lives and on the planet through volunteer work, donations, knowledge, calculation and offsetting of carbon and much more.

A better world in your Super App: in the Sustainable Living section you calculate and offset your impact on the Climate, can make donations, register for volunteer work, access free content from Financial Education and much more!
  • Recurring cashback donation
  • Volunteer Work
  • Knowledge
  • Carbon Calculator
  • Sustainable Stores in the Inter Shop
  • Doutor Inter

Recurring cashback donation

In the Sustainable Living section, you can donate all or part of your cashback received from Inter to help partner social institutions. The amount chosen by the customer is automatically directed to the account of the social institution with each cashback receipt, until the maximum amount chosen per month is reached.

The institutions available for donation go through a rigorous evaluation process and are recognized for their commitment to humanity and the planet, such as WWF – Brazil, Doctors Without Borders – Brazil and Child Fund – Brazil. Click here to learn more. Click here to learn more.

Recurring cashback donation

Volunteer Work

In the Sustainable Life section, we offer thousands of volunteer positions throughout Brazil, whether they are in-person, online, recurring, or one-time.

The volunteer work function is offered by Inter through a partnership with Atados, a volunteer platform that connects people to volunteer opportunities in various social causes. Atados has a network of 3,700 NGOs and 200,000 volunteers and is now integrated into our Inter Super APP.

Volunteer Work


We aim to simplify and provide our customers with access to various knowledge related to Sustainability, Financial Education, and Digital Security. To this end, we have gathered the following topics under the Knowledge tab in the Sustainable Life section:

  • Financial Education – Open and free articles and videos to help our customers have a healthier financial life.
  • Socio-environmental Education – Articles to support our customers in taking actions for sustainability.
  • Digital Security – Articles aimed at raising awareness among our customers about ways to protect themselves financially and digitally.

Carbon Calculator

One of the most harmful consequences for our planet is the emission of greenhouse gases, the main cause of global warming.

In the Sustainable Life section, through a Carbon Calculator developed in partnership with GSS Carbon, it is possible to answer some quick questions to estimate your annual impact on the climate. After calculating, we also offer the opportunity to offset this emission by buying carbon credits with cashback in the Inter Shop.

Carbon Calculator

Sustainable Stores in the Inter Shop

A store becomes more sustainable as it puts into practice actions aimed at reducing the negative impact its activities have on the environment, recognizing its socio-environmental responsibility. With that in mind, we have created a selection of Inter Shop partners who have sustainability-related differentials so that, when buying, our customers can choose stores that use resources conscientiously. We have also partnered with Pangeia and Fazendinha em Casa, which focus on small producers and sustainable products. The complete list of stores is available in the Sustainable Life section.

Sustainable Stores in the Inter Shop

Doutor Inter

Doutor Inter is a function for simple and accessible online urgent care consultation, available in the Super APP. With it, more and more people have access to quality healthcare services at affordable prices without having to travel great distances. There are over 30 specialties, such as psychology, nutritionist, cardiologist, dermatologist, endocrinologists, and others with simplified hiring directly through the Inter Super APP.

Doutor Inter

We believe in a business model that creates value for everyone involved

We will continue to be based on a strategy that promotes sustainable growth. Throughout our history, we have transformed and evolved and today we are a Financial Super App.

We aim to innovate to transform people’s relationship with money, through the right tools to encourage a smarter financial life.

Innovative and Technological Innovative and Technological

1st digital bank to offer a 100% free account in Brazil, to operate 100% in the cloud in Latin America and to integrate marketplace, investment and insurance platform, global account and loyalty in the same app.

Partner Partner

+3.4 billion points generated in the Inter Loop since its creation and access to numerous benefits.

Socially Responsible Socially Responsible

From 2019 to 2023, more than 120 social actions have been carried out and more than R$16.4 MM have been invested in private social investment.

Eco-efficient Eco-efficient

97% more eco-efficient on average when compared to the big traditional players.

Inter Materiality

Inter&Co’s materiality assessment has been carried out every two years, since 2019, and reflects changes and developments in institutional governance and the company’s growth.

In 2023, following the evolution of the business, the concept of Dual Materiality was adopted. Through this impact compass, the company’s ESG strategy is updated.

Get to know our material topics:

Innovation and technology

Customer experience

Risk Management

Institutional integrity

Information security and privacy of personal data

Employee health, well-being, and safety

Sustainable products, services, and processes

Financial education

Sustainable investment

Responsible corporate and individual behavior and practices

Our acknowledgements and commitments

Our acknowledgements and commitments

Global Compact / UN
In 2020, we will join the world's largest corporate sustainability network, now allocated as one of the UN's agencies. With this, we are committed to the 10 Principles of the Global Compact and to the promotion and fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda in favor of the Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs. In 2021, we will also become part of the Minas Gerais SDGs Hub.
2030 Challenge Network
The 2030 Challenge Network (D2030) is composed of leading sustainability organizations in Minas Gerais that have come together to expand the contribution of the Minas Gerais business sector to the fulfillment of the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
GHG Protocol
Since 2019, we measure our main emission sources and, aiming to provide transparency to our emissions, we became part of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program, with the publication of our Inventories in its Public Registry.
GHG Gold Seal Protocol
Since 2019, our Atmospheric Emissions Inventories have been awarded the GHG Protocol gold seal, granted to organizations that fully report Scopes 1 and 2, and undergo an external audit.
CDP - Carbon Diclosure Project
Since 2020 we began our contact with the institution through the CDP Supply Chain response. Today, we are part of the initiative through the complete response of the Climate Change dimension, in alignment with the requests of clients and investors. Since we participated we have evolved from a grade C to a B-.
IPC - Investors for the Climate
In 2021, Inter Asset became a participant in the Investors for the Climate initiative. IPC promotes the engagement and training of ipc- professional investors on the decarbonization and climate risk mitigation agenda.
CMVC - Minas Gerais Corporate Volunteering Committee
In 2022, we formalized our participation in the Minas Gerais Corporate Volunteering Committee, an initiative led by the Cooperation for Development and Human Housing (CDM). In addition, in 2022 we won the CMVC 2022 Connections that Inspire Award with the project Volunteers of Knowledge for the action in partnership with the Vallourec Institute.
Business Pact Against Corruption
In 2022, we became associates of the Ethos Institute and signatories of the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption, committing to disseminate Brazilian anti-corruption legislation to our employees and stakeholders so that it is fully complied with.
CSA - S&P Global
Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), prepared by S&P Global, an American company that follows market indicators, including those related to sustainability.
Brazilian Association of Banks (ABBC) Committee S.
Committee S (Social Responsibility) of ABBC - Coordinate Committee S, which is focused on exchanging experiences, needs, and perceptions about Social Responsibility in the financial market. The representatives of this Committee will also be responsible for disseminating in their FIs social support NGOs accredited by ABBC and authorized to receive donations or support through the ABBC Compliance Committee - Coordinate and monitor and assess issues related to good compliance and governance practices, guided by regulatory agencies, aimed at strengthening concepts and standards.

Good for the planet and for you

Check out the 2023 report to see how we have impacted people’s financial lives and advanced the ESG agenda.

Access 2023 Annual Report

To learn more, contact us

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